"Legal immigration is one of the top concerns of the American people, and Congress' failure to act on it is a disappointment," Bush said after the vote.
Per a conversation early, BULL**IT. The American people don't give a rats petutie about legal immigration.
Republicans like to rail on and on about illegal immigrants. They like to say there is a threat to our national security. They like to say they are hurting the social security and health care systems.
Republicans don't give a damn. They have the finest health care in the world. They hire illegal immigrants every day to do all sorts of odd jobs. They HELP to drag down the wages their corporate lobbyist buddies pay out to employees.
Confused? Yeah. I'm talking about elected Republicans. The Congress. The Executiv-ERRR.....the President and VP, etc. All of em. (And the Democrats, too!)
Republican VOTERS care about "filthy, repulsive, 7-to-a-truck MEXICANS." And that's exactly what the elected reps WANT them to hate. They don't want 12 million illegals to get so-called AMNESTY. They want them kicked out. When's the last time you heard a Republican VOTER say "then they can come back in after signing government-issued paperwork."
Ever drive by a group of Mexican-looking workers and they are chatting or sipping a cola? You can identify the Neanderthal in the car who says, "Damn lazy Mexicans!" Damn lazy Mexicans??? Let's see YOU work 8 hours of hard labor in the summer heat and see if you DON'T TAKE A BREAK. For god's sakes, we can't even do it in our own corporate office! (Hence, this post.)
Mexicans? I don't care about Mexicans. I see the so-called ILLEGALS every day, doing the landscaping for the entire country. I have a Republican brother-in-law who runs a small landscaping company and he is hard-core Republican I'll tell you. He says to me, "Shoot! I'd hire an illegal if I knew I could get away with it, they do an honest day of work! My American workers are lazy as sh**!"
Keep in my mind he employee his own brother!
God bless them for the work they do. Yes, they are dragging the wage down. Why? Because they will work for anything so long as they don't get ratted out. If you asked them if they'd be up for getting paid a decent wage, they would scream "YES!" til they were blue in the face. Just please don't rat them out.
But dammit, if yer gonna preach about homeland security -- and I support that -- DO IT. How good can we be at stopping Osama bin Laden from crossing the border, supported by his network of terrorists out to destroy the world, with a loaded dirty bomb, but 14-year-old Pedro Perez can do it no problem.
What am I more scared of? How about GUEST WORKERS? LEGAL honest-to-god GUEST WORKERS!
Take a look at corporate America. Overrun with guest workers from all manner of other countries. H1B Visas, etc. They get paid a fraction of what I make, and they'll take my job someday. Are they better? There are some quality individuals, sure. I can point them out for you at my own company. Overall? Poor. Horribly poor. Sorry -- I'm just being honest. Most of them are not at all good at what they do and I hear the complaints every single day.
Ever get a completely unintelligible error message from some Windows software you're running? Ever get someone who can't speak English on a customer support line? If your call is not actually being routed to another country, it could be a guest worker. Are guest workers upping the competition in America to make use more cough competitive? Republicans like to say it. Guess what??
It doesn't matter how good I do. I can be replaced by three guest workers. And guess what? That's good for business.
And so what if Congress makes them LEGAL? They will still get paid like crap. The only difference will be that Republican VOTERS will bitch and moan that the Mexicans are now parading their newfound freedoms in their faces and the Democratic VOTERS will not be able to blame their illegal status on why they are being mistreated by an arrogant America.
Poor Americans, legal or otherwise, still won't be able to afford healthcare (and so will continue to not pay their bills). They will still get lower wages because a few bucks an hour is STILL A HELL OF A LOT BETTER than in Mexico.
And guess what? When the American government rejects a Mexican's application to migrate to our country -- THEY WILL STILL CROSS THE BORDER ILLEGALY! They will still struggle with English for a few years. (Yes, a few years, most Mexicans do pick up the language. OMG. Go figure.)
Face it -- the immigration bill WILL NOT MAKE A DRASTIC CHANGE TO THIS COUNTRY except Rush Limbaugh will have to bitch and complain about something else. (Hint: It won't be about his salary.)
Rant complete.